Surf Rock isn’t Dead yet!

Surf Rock is Dead well represents the expression of a new, modern and young rock. Currently on tour, they will surprise you with their cool and engaging mood.

“Joel and I met very serendipitously at a band rehearsal space in Brooklyn. We just started chatting in the hallway which is kind of strange as most New Yorkers are pretty stand off-ish and not big small talkers. At the time we were both involved in other projects that we both just weren’t feeling anymore and needed to find something that was liberating to us and most of all- FUN. It’s a dark path but many bands get stuck in a sunk cost mindset and keep chugging away even though no one is having fun anymore. – So what’s the point in that? – Our mindset is to have fun and really just do what we want without overthinking anything. So far so good!”

What are you inspired by? 

Lately I’ve been inspired by the books I’ve been reading. In general, the books go through the hardships and sacrifices people endured in the past for us to get where we are as a society. Just being able to attempt to live a life as a musician is a luxury, and we are grateful for that.
But on a much lighter note I think there’s been a lot of really great and interesting music coming out lately. It’s work to keep up with everything but everyday I’m blown away by new bands and producers and the new stuff they are coming up with.

Why “surf rock is dead”? 

Ha not sure we even know this. Joel and I were texting each other dumb joke band names back and forth and “surf rock is dead” made it’s way into that. It just kind of stuck since we do have some sort of surf-y sound with all the reverb we use. If Surf Rock is Dead is a mouthful for you we are cool with “SRiD”.

What do you try to express through your music? 

We try our best to be honest in our music. The lyrics are usually personal and based around concepts we both relate to and feel at the time. Musically we like to write fun hooks that stand on their own and when played live get us to jump around and have a ridiculously good time haha. It’s such an amazing feeling to be playing a show and to see people singing along or to be feeling something emotional when we play.

What’s the best thing about being a musician? 

Drink tickets….. JK. A great part is meeting so many other musicians and seeing so many other acts perform. Every show whether I’m vibing hard with the band playing or not, I always try to find something in their set to learn from and remember that this performance at the core of it is them expressing themselves, it’s a part of them. They can’t explain or share a part of their lives in another way and music is their medium. It’s our medium. Yeah it sounds cheesy but it’s important to release energy, be it physically or emotionally through writing and performing. I think that’s a great and unique part of being a musician.

What’s your next project? 

After our tour with Black Kids and Shout Out Louds we plan on continuing writing and recording our first full length record! We have some really cool stuff we’re excited about and working on growing our songwriting and sound.


Since the beginning – Como Brothers


Ready for The Midnight?