A journey into parkour and fab places - Gemini

Parkour is a metropolitan sport which allows to physically adapt to the city and, in this case to abandoned and unknown places. Are you ready for some super wow stuff? It's about two German twins, tons of amazing adventures and suggestive places like this…

Tell me about your story, when did you start doing all your crazy stuff? 

We are identical twins. That's basically one of the reasons why we chose the name "Gemini". The other reason is pretty obvious as well, our star sign is gemini too. We started doing parkour and freerunning six years ago, when a good friend of us showed us a freerunning video with some sick moves. This was actually the first day, we started to imitate these tricks. Since then, we have been training nearly every day on our own and the training became our passion. One year ago we also started to learn about visual content, like taking breathtaking/cool photos, filming our runs and also editing, since it became more and more an important part of presenting our art/movements to the scene. After a while we added a new member to our team who shares the same passion with us. Short time after, we thought it was finally time to open a YouTube channel to share our adventures with the world.

Where does your passion come from? 

All of us watch a lot of videos everyday and they are for sure a huge inspiration as well as motivation for what we are doing. However the main reason is to go beyond ourselves and to push our limits. It's just a great feeling after you learned a new trick, improve an old one or overcome your inner fear, while climbing a building. That is basically where our passion comes from.

Have you find a community of people who climbs towers and do scary things like you?

Yeah we can say that we discovered a community. There is already a big global parkour and freerunning community. In almost every city you can find groups training parkour. Of course, not everyone is ready to go as far as we go, which we respect. While travelling, we always find people we can explore buildings with and train together. We didn't really search that community... we were always part of it.

Is your passion also a job? Would you wish that? 

It's a tough question. On the one hand cutting video clips day and night feels like a job. However on the other hand all the fun you have while travelling around is a worthy compensation.

Of course, we would like to earn our livings with our passion instead our current jobs. It would be nice to earn enough money so that the lifestyle finances itself.

What's the most exciting you've ever done?

Climbing up a 300m (985ft) high building was kicking our adrenaline. However there is something even more exciting. We had the chance to explore an abandoned theme park. The park was closed 15 years ago. It was incredible to see all those former attractions like roller coasters and a ferris wheel which were completely taken back by nature. The exploration was like a journey into another world. What made the whole thing even more exciting/dangerous was the fact that we had to be very careful because there were security guards with dogs.

What's your inspiration? 

The videos of other teams are definitely a great inspiration. To meet other freerunners on jams in different cities is the biggest inspiration if you want to learn new moves. Sometimes we are inspired by everyday experiences like advertisements or music videos. Our desire to aim for bigger achievements and to push our limits becomes sometimes also a great source for inspiration.

Your next project? And what do you hope for your future?

We want to discover more abandoned places to create some great videos with places our audience wouldn't expect. We also want to make journeys to other countries in order to meet and train with freerunners all over the world.

Of course, our biggest hope for the future is to get sponsored by a brand to earn money with our passion.


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