The best example of technology working with fashion – Silvia Fado

We are so happy about this interview, as always, but this time Silvia give us an idea of what means being creative using 3D technology and traditional materials. Let’s find it out!

“I started out studying architecture in La Salle (Ramon Llull) but soon realized I was more drawn to creating something tangible that you can work and play with, so I changed to design. My strong interest in fashion made me decide to take this path. I graduated in Fashion in Esdi, Barcelona. After several years of professional experience in knitwear, I decided to follow my true passion, footwear. I moved to London for an apprenticeship in bespoke shoe-making with one of the most skilled shoemakers, Paul Thomas. I then attended MA Fashion Footwear in London College of Fashion (Cordwainers) were I developed my first collection, Kinetic Traces. In my first collection I developed our unique hydraulic heels, collaborating with engineers, architects and vascular surgeon. The idea of developing our brand around innovation and high technology drawn us to continue with this concept, using both 3D Printing and bespoke traditional making.”

What’s the concept of your design?

We focus on developing strong concept collections, synergy of crafts and technology, inspired by architecture and product design; always bringing innovation into footwear.

What inspires you the most? 

Many things inspire me, normally what I have around in each period of my life. Normally is design from other disciplines, or just random products or mechanisms; I like exploring how things are made or work, is what inspires me the most. I like functional and clever design, I get inspired by architecture and product design; for my hydraulic heels, I wanted to develop something functional in footwear. I started analyzing movement and heel needs and that is how I came up with the idea.

How do you choose your materials and how do you work with them? 

I really like exploring different materials and technologies, and think each methodology needs a different one. If I had to choose… I really love working with wood and leather; they are so noble, fine and versatile. I use very fine leathers, all from Italy and sometimes times from Spain; fine exotic woods (South America or Africa). Also some metals (stainless steel, aluminum and silver plating). And last but not least 3D printing materials, specially the more innovative ones.                               

What mood do you want to represent with your shoes? 

My woman has a risky modern mood, positive and confident. My women is always looking for something different, looking for new experiences, she appreciates quality and conceptual design. They like to have an edgy and trendy look. I hope to make them feel better, at the end that is my aim to make them feel beautiful and special with a strong personality.

What’s your next project?  

I am currently working on my next collection and also working as Head of Design for Dots Dash, project I am very excited about; it is a unique and very comfortable product, that brings excitement to every day life; you can see our current collection here

We are showing at The Cube Gallery in Netherlands, and other projects I cannot talk about yet; you can follow me to avoid missing any update.

Discover Silvia Fado on Facebook and Instagram!


One of a kind – Valdnad


Muse Modern – Feyza Kurtulmus