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To reconstruct means transforming into something new what was destroyed and it’s precisely because of this concept that this collection by Wai Yang was born. Let's see what the designer has to tell us about it.

"I was born in Myanmar and came to Singapore when I was 12. Since I was young, I have passion for arts, drawing , handicraft such as embroidery. Art gives me the space to explore my internal world of thoughts, crazy ideas and dreams and I genuinely feel liberated. Eventually and naturally, my passion led me into the creative industry and I decided to be a fashion designer.

My label is established in 2016 . It  is a textiles based label that  places great emphasis on print , and it is where the soul of my label resides. My design philosophy is to do one of a kind design by using my own printed textiles design, by using tradition printing techniques to create innovative textiles."

 What's the concept of your latest collection? 

The idea behind the AW17  collection is to re-appropriate the inappropriateness, deconstruct and reconstruct, to give abandoned objects  a new life or meaning. Unwanted objects such as trash ,cargo box and bubble wraps were used to do mark making for print design and reconstruct them into abstract form.

What inspires you the most? 

I got my inspiration from really random things, places .It is hard to pin point one, but generally from contemporary art, movie, London.

How does the place you live in affect your design?  

Neither the place I was born or resides influence my design. Instead, the place where I pursued my second degree, London, has significantly influenced my design most. It is where I carried out in –depth exploration and realized my potentials. To me, London is the best place to get inspired, motivated ,and be creative as it is a charming city full of talents and artistic vibes.

What's the future of fashion according to you? 

Ethica!. Before we attempt to fathom out the future of fashion, we need to save the sick industry first. Exploiting workers is a no-go!.

What's your next project? 

My next project is the fashion future 1.0 show case at end of October.

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