The Art experience: through Larissa Jaimy’s POV

With a unique and introspective approach, Larissa Jaimy uses makeup as a medium to explore deep themes and inspire reflection with works of immediate impact.

The art of art

In a world where expectations can often crush the individual spirit, Larissa Jaimy's work is a reminder of the power of art to move, inspire, and provoke thought. Her creations are living testimonies to the belief that it takes art to make art; a dance of emotions, experiences, and insights that, together, create something truly unique. One might wonder where the roots of such an authentic artist lie, to which she responds: "My passion for makeup started when I was really young. I have always loved to play with different colours, textures & techniques. Besides that, I really enjoy observing people and their habits, especially when it comes to beauty and makeup." 
Speaking about how her background has influenced her art, she shares: "My background has influenced me in the way that I have never fitted into groups. I didn't follow the crowd nor trends and never will. I always did my own thing and was constantly creating things, not in the way I do now, but I drew, painted, and wrote a lot, which helped me till this day."

Just Express Yourself!

The artist follows her own path, ready to absorb and then transform its vision into something entirely new: "The only thing I do is observing beauty and people and creating my own series based on my own experiences or the things I hear and see around me," she says.
Larissa not only demonstrates her technical skills but also her ability to convey emotions and deep ideas. Each series of photographs carries a different message, but Larissa emphasizes the importance of letting the audience interpret and connect with the work on a personal level, rather than forcing her own vision. She adds an important detail about her creative process: "When I create a series of pictures, I always have a plan, but sometimes the plan doesn't always work. For example, the material doesn't do what I want or the idea is great, but the picture doesn't turn out the way I had in mind. But that's the fun thing in art - you don't always know the outcome, which can lead to new ideas or just frustration." 
A particularly interesting example of Larissa's art is her latest project: "I'm currently working on my biggest series, which I hope will never end. It's about womanhood, about the way we handle criticism around makeup and beauty, insecurities, trends, and struggles. It's really interesting to explore because it seems like a never-ending story. Besides that, I've worked and am still working on a series called 'When a no isn’t enough'. I can't tell much about it, but it will be online soon." And we eagerly await it!

The Creative Mindset

Larissa Jaimy's journey gives us insight into what it truly means to have a creative mindset, both for her and for every artist seeking to communicate their vision of the world. For an artist, maintaining the ability to draw inspiration from everything around them is essential to fueling creativity. Delving into this point, she says: "I take power naps for inspiration and listen to different kinds of music. Besides that, I like to observe people and watch them doing their makeup or talk about beauty. I can literally find inspiration in everything and everywhere."
The ability to evolve in order to best adapt one's vision to expression is another hallmark of a true creative. Larissa tells us: "I want to focus more on videography. I find it interesting because storytelling through photo or video is really different, but I like a challenge." She adds regarding her future projects: "I will keep focusing on beauty standards and more, but I won't tell you too much because you'll see it in the future."


Larissa Jaimy represents a pure and powerful vision of art as a means to free the soul and communicate the essence of our human experience. Her approach, which combines technique and passion, highlights the importance of finding and maintaining one’s voice in a world of fleeting trends and conformist pressures. Her dedication to creative freedom and ongoing personal evolution is an inspiration to anyone seeking to explore and express their uniqueness through art.
Following Larissa’s example means learning to find beauty and meaning in the small things and always keeping the flame of authenticity alive. And this, ultimately, is the true essence of art: an endless journey toward discovering and expressing what we have inside.


Tiktok: @larissajaimy
Instagram: @larissajaimy
Threads: @larissajaimy
Pinterest: @larissajaimy

UON Visuals: Coding Creativity


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