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Take the risk like Kristin Pavlick

Kristin’s paintings are made to capture the attention and her story is very inspirational. She teaches us the importance of taking a big risk to do what you love.

Tell me about how you started making art.

I was lucky enough to have an father who was an art educator— to say that my creativity was ‘supported’ at a young age is almost an understatement. I literally don’t remember life without paint. Funny enough, I was so young I was eating the paint, so my parents decided my first works should be completed in chocolate pudding!

Where does your inspiration come from?

My inspiration is taken from American Visual Culture. I am fascinated at all of the imagery we are bombarded with and the meaning we attached to them so automatically. When I create I look to use disparate imagery to slow down the meaning making process to ask to what we consume and ‘why’.

Which was the best experience you’ve ever done thanks to your art?

Quitting my day job! It was my best/scariest day to date. And I only look back to congratulate the risk I took because nobody will advise you to quit your job to go become an artist— not even my art teacher father. 

How would you describe your feelings while you’re creating?

A complete focus; a hand, brain, and eye coordination that forces complete attention to the moment.

How does the place you live in affect your art?

It made me believe that opportunity was just around every corner. Through public art, teaching, commissions, showing work at local museums— I truly feel entirely supported by a community that values what I can do.

What’s your next project?

I am working a couple commercial murals all the while developing my own work.

Random question: Could you live in another country for the rest of your life? 

I think I could! I moved to Florida which is largely different to where I grew up and learned that my environment really pushed me to be better. So if I felt that I was making a smart move to support my growth I would totally be into the idea.
